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life ~ a photostory

  ~ a life update in the form of a photostory ~ this is truly Julia's aesthetic, entirely by accident, most of her closet is blue and white stripes. she's always either wearing her airplane propeller necklace or her dream necklace, wearing double dutch braids.  Once upon a time, there was a girl named Julia. She was a dreamer, one with a good imagination and wide horizons. Some of her happiest days as a teenager were spent taking photos of dolls, lying in the street to get the perfect angle. Her dolls were like built in friends, companions wherever she went, on trips and vacations and outings.  As she grew up, Julia grew busier and busier, and high school was a lot of work. But she had goals and she did everything she could to reach them. One of them was graduating two years early, which took up a lot of time and energy. After hours upon hours of studying, she finally graduated.  Taking a gap year beginning in 2020, the weirdest year of the century, she had no lack o...

rays of rebekah ~ a sunny shoot

Hi everyone! It's Rebekah again, with another one of the Mini March posts! I'm really excited about this one - it's the first photoshoot I've ever starred in!
Light4theLord - well, Julia Rose - really wants me to copy Sydney Serena's Instagram. What do you think?
I know you were looking forward to finding out what my idea was... well, we decided it'd be best as a summer special. We also didn't really have *cough cough* all the stuff ready *cough cough* and all the sets *hehe* and costumes *mwahha*... so... yeah. :)

I'm really looking forward to getting to write my profile! That's one of L4TL's projects for May - she's doing Camp NaNoWriMo in April, so the big dolls get to do all the fun stuff. I plan on sneaking in sometime. :)

Speaking of profiles, which of these pictures do you think would be the best profile for me? None of them are edited at all, by the way!

Are you liking spring? I love spring - and Easter is coming! The only thing I don't like is the pollen. *wrinkles nose and sneezes* Bad allergies. XD


This is one of my very favorite pictures - did you notice that the flowers match my dress?!

That's everything for today - I know it's short, but it's sweet, right? :D Melody and I have absolutely loved getting to know all of you - this is our last post this month - but not forever! We hope to secure a special week of every month. *grins* Let us know in the comments if you think that L4TL should give us our own post every month! Or even better, our own page!
~ ♥ ~


  1. These pictures are A. M. A. Z. I. N. G.
    Definitely make more mini doll posts and a page.
    I think you should make picture number 7 the profile pic.

    1. Thank you, Diamond! They were so fun to take!
      YAY! What do you think of a page entirely dedicated to us - Two Mini Dolls (never Too Many Dolls!)? I really wanna take over the blog again in May.
      Yay for the first vote! I'll keep it in mind!
      ~ ♥ ~
      (and for clarification, Julia stole *my* signoff 'cause she thought it was prettier. She says her name fits better under it anyways. *rolls eyes* Whatever. XD)

  2. Amazing pictures! :D <3

    Kaitlyn @ Kaits AG Crafts

  3. These are SUPER pretty! I would vote for #2 as your profile pic. And I'd LOVE to see more posts and/or a page with you and Melody!

    1. Awwwwww, thank you, Anna! I'll keep that in mind!! :D I'm working on convincing Julia right now! ~ Rebekah

  4. AHHHH REBEKAH YOUR HAIR IS SO GORGEOUS!! I vote for the second to last one as your profile picture - your hair sprawling out amidst the violets... *dies* And yessssss, I'd definitely love to see more of you two minis! Convince Julia to make you guys your own page, okay? :)

    1. THANK YOUUUUUU :D :D That one is getting a lot of votes!! YAY YES I WILL MAKE IT HAPPEN!

  5. Ahhhhh, gorgeous! I vote for the last one as your profile picture.
    Natalie Therese

    1. Thanks, Natalie! :) Yay, I'll keep that in mind! ~ Rebekah

  6. Oooh copying Sydney Serena's Instagram with mini Rebekah would be so cool! :D
    For rebekah's profile pic, I saw you should use the one with her laying among the purple flowers! (the second to last photo) Spring is okay, but it makes me anticipate summer so much! (especially if I can come see you, but still not for sure hint hint)

    PAGE FOR THE MINIS! PAGE FOR THE MINIS! #PAGE FOR THE MINIS! (it's my new campaign lol)

    1. You think so? :) I'd love to do it! That one is really popular! I'm beginning to think it might be the one! :D YES SUMMEEEEEEEEEER no school! And YOU! :D

      ooh, yes yes yes! #pagefortheminis!!!!!

      ~ Rebekah

  7. The first is my favorite. I love all the photos though. It's nice to see the sun sparkling off your hair. It's been so overcast here for so long.


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