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life ~ a photostory

  ~ a life update in the form of a photostory ~ this is truly Julia's aesthetic, entirely by accident, most of her closet is blue and white stripes. she's always either wearing her airplane propeller necklace or her dream necklace, wearing double dutch braids.  Once upon a time, there was a girl named Julia. She was a dreamer, one with a good imagination and wide horizons. Some of her happiest days as a teenager were spent taking photos of dolls, lying in the street to get the perfect angle. Her dolls were like built in friends, companions wherever she went, on trips and vacations and outings.  As she grew up, Julia grew busier and busier, and high school was a lot of work. But she had goals and she did everything she could to reach them. One of them was graduating two years early, which took up a lot of time and energy. After hours upon hours of studying, she finally graduated.  Taking a gap year beginning in 2020, the weirdest year of the century, she had no lack o...

hiatus // that horrid, hated word

Tell me you're surprised. Please. It'll make this so much easier if you weren't expecting it. :)
I hardly ever have trouble with words (well, besides getting in trouble and cases of writer's block) but this is different.
Yes, I'm leaving. This is one of the hardest things I have to do - harder than memorizing 800+ Bible verses in two months for a national competition. It's harder than a British Literature test or an algebra pop quiz. Okay, well, it's not harder than cleaning my room *groans*.
This is getting just sad. Okay, stop. Remember what 'hiatus' actually means (even if you can't pronounce it correctly) - simply 'a break'. And that's what I'm doing. Starting September 1 - October 31, Dolls N' All will.. not have any posts. *sobs* There will be no DOTM for either month - but don't cry! (actually, do cry. It'll make me feel like I'm actually worth something to ya'll) November and December will be chock-full of posts! I've got a special DOTM lined up for each month, and the cause of this hiatus will make for a lovely photostory and adventure. :)
I'm competing in the National Bible Bee Competition. I qualified earlier this month, and now I'm memorizing 800+ verses and studying cross references, Greek words, and geographical locations of those verses and Colossians.
So, I'm taking off for two months to study really, really, really hard.
Don't worry, I'll still be around. :) I'll reply to comments whenever I can (but don't be disappointed if I don't reply right away - it might take some time) and visit ya'll on your blogs. :)
I do have to warn you that Dolls N' All Rewards, Looking Ahead issues, DOTM, SOS, and anything else is paused. PAUSED not STOPPED. :)
Alright, alright. Enough with the tears. I figured I might as well add some photos to make this less... depressing. I have to admit, I'm kinda hoping ya'll will miss me. :) Console me Talk to me in the comments!
Just be glad I'm not being all cruel and evil like, 'FLOOD YOUR COMPUTER WITH TEARS'. :D
Oh, oh, oh! And one more thing. :) Yes, one more before I get on with some fun photos - I'm getting to do a MEETUP. Yes. A meetup. With a very, very popular and awesome and fantabulous and brilliant and genius writer, blogger, and friend.
So ha. *walks away and leaves you in suspense*
Maybe I'll tell you. Maybe I won't. Maybe you'll just have to wait and see. MWHAHAHA.
Oh, and as soon as I get the precious camera back into my longing hands (yeah, I neglected to inform you that I can't use the camera until November 12)... I will show you the magnificent, absolutely the most creative doll things on earth from my amazing pen pal! Yes, well... my dolls will have to use some of it as snacks on the long car trip to.... You have to look it up for yourself (
 Yeah, unless I forget something else and go off on a tangent... wait, that's what I'm doing. Whoops. :D
ME: I'll be there in a second! I have to text Julie and remind her to stop leaving her phone around... oh wait. This is her phone. Hmmm.. I wonder how much data she has left... SHE HAS LAUREN DAIGLE! *scrolls furiously* AND MORIAH PETERS! *blasts 'BRAVE'*
Also.... I wasn't able to finish the 20+ photos for Rebekah's Photofunia challenge. I'm SORRY!!!! Plus, the deadline was last week. :( :( But here's some anyways! 
I really like this one. :)

Though... Julie is kinda like, staring down at everyone. Is that creepy or cool?


Oh, cool! Noelle has her own book!

Ahh... and she's starring in a movie - hey, Madi is the camera gal!

It's the movie they made at Camp DNA! how fun!
Alright, now for the answer to the comment convo. *breathes deeply*
Are you ready to see... me?
Yes, that's me! In doll form, of course! Surely you didn't really think I was going to post a picture of me? Oh wait.. hey, I should name her 'me'. Then I would've posted a photo of 'me'. XD XD *applauds self for brilliant idea* *realizes that's self-conceited* *stops*
I did do something like that with a stuffed animal once. :) It was great. :D
So yes, I look like that. :) No freckles, but I do have glasses (they're actually black and nerdy looking XD XD) and braces (I'm going to get them off soon, hopefully!).
And I just realized I probably wouldn't wear a top that has a collar like that. Whoops. I was just thinking about my favorite color. :)
But... what if you wanted to know my name?
Do you?
Do you?
Well... here's a puzzle. Have fun figuring out when I'm not here. :)
I share the first letter of my name with 1 or more of my dolls.
I share the second letter of my name with 1 or more of my dolls.
I share the third letter of my name with 1 or more of my dolls.
I share the fourth letter of my name with 1 or more of my dolls.
I share the fifth letter of my name with 1 or more of my dolls.
I share the sixth letter of my name with none of my dolls.
I share the seventh letter of my name with none of my dolls.
I share the eighth letter of my name with 1 or more of my dolls.
I share the ninth letter of my name with  none of my dolls.
Puzzled? Good. :) I included my middle name and the dolls' middle names. :)
Once again, REBEKAH, JENN, LILY, and MADI cannot answer that in the comments. :)
Alright. I guess this is goodbye... for now.
I want to do one more tribute to everyone who has been so amazing and encouraging and just plain awesome to me on this blog. *sobs some more*
To my BBFs (not BFFs, BBFs) - Best Blogging Friends:
Rebekah, Madison, Samantha, and Jenn (even though you don't blog, I met you through this blog)
Thank ya'll so much for the tips, encouragement, comments, shares, and kind words. You are the BEST.
To all my followers:
Every. single. one. of. you. counts. Each time I notice that my number of followers has bumped up, it makes my day. You guys actually consider my blog awesome enough to follow! Thank you!
To all my subscribers:
Wow. How did you survive July?! I hope that whenever you see a DNA post arrive in your inbox that it makes your day. Because then it would make mine. :)
To all my commenters:
YOU ARE THE BEST! I absolutely LOVE reading your comments, and even though I'm pretty sure I missed some during July (SO SORRY!), ya'll won't abandon me... I hope. :) Whenever ya'll take the time to type out a comment (especially a long one!), I am so happy. You have no idea. Sometimes I will go and tell like, four people about a super nice comment.
And believe it or not, I've only had 1 inappropriate comment, and no hates! Thank you so, so, so much! Please, let's keep it that way! I really, really want this to be a place that everyone loves. :) I've poured a lot into this blog (a.k.a. my summer) and it's just so much fun.
To all of you who have comment convo-ed, read my posts, engaged in the story, told me you liked it, and every other person who has visited this blog - THANK YOU! :)
This is so hard for me to leave, even if it's only for two months. I'm acting like it's forever. XD (it seems like forever) Pray that I'll study hard! And hey, maybe you'll see me live on semi-finals. I might actually get to tell ya'll about that. :D But don't expect it. I doubt I will.... but you might want to look for Rebekah up there.
Whoops, did I just say that? Oh well. :) I could delete it... but I'm not going to. :) HAHAHHAA.
Another reason why it's so extremely hard is because I feel like you guys are some of my closest friends (some of you are!). *sniffles* You take time to listen (more like read) my rants and raves about dolls, and you actually like my posts (how?!?!) and tell me you like my photos. *starts crying again* You know me best. You know my dolls, you know my favorites, you know like, everything (except for my name, age, address, birthday - some of you might have figured this out - and like, anything else that's personal. XD).
Okay, wait up. That's just depressing. I've actually been enjoying the photofunia and the tributes and everything and now I'm about to break down. Okay, okay, okay. Let's do something more.. original. XD You'll see why this is funny in a minute. Or less, depending on how fast you read. :)
I SHALL RETURN! #generaldouglasmacarthur #Philippines #lookitup #itsafamousquote
~ Light4theLord
former photographer of the stars
If any of you actually cried while you were reading this, let me know. That would be like, so touching that you actually care enough about me to actually cry. *lip quivers*


  1. AWW! Nooooooooooooooo! :'( I love your blog! Good luck with the National Bible Bee - it's amazing that you're doing that. I can't wait until you start posting again!
    *waves sadly*

    -Clara <3

    1. Really and truly?! I love yours! :) Thank you so much, I really do love it. :) I look forward to it as well! *waves*

    2. Aw, thank you! :)

  2. NOOOOOOO!!!! How am I going to survive two mouths without you! :( I will miss you so much, but I wish you luck on the Bible bee. I really like the pictures you did. You wear glasses? so do I! Mine are purple nerd glasses. So I guess it's goodbye for now, I will really miss you! You do such an amazing job on your blog and I get so excited when I get an email about a new post. I will definitely be here when you get back :)

    1. AWW! you're so sweet! :) Thank you! Yes, I do - they're black! :) Thank you again! I look forward to blogging again!

  3. Aww, it will be sad to see you leave for a while. I really enjoyed reading your blogs. But I hope I'll get to see you in person at nationals!

    1. Thanks! I hope to meet you too! It'll be so fun! :)

  4. Ahhhh I'm so sad!!!! I cried a little :'( I'm glad you'll be back though! And yes, every time that I get an email that you posted, it makes my morning! I love all of your posts! I'mma try to figure out your name mwhahaha! Good luck in the Bible Bee! Is it going to be on TV or anything do you know? Well, that's all!
    ~Ally <3
    (Plus, I read the entire thing :D)

    1. Really?! Wow! Aw, thanks! :) :) Have fun! Well, semi-finals and finals are normally live streamed, so I'll be posting links if I make it. One year the opening ceremony was streamed, but I don't know this year. :)
      Thanks for reading it all! That's dedication! :D

  5. I'll miss you, but I bet you'll have a good time. :) (I tried to figure out your name, but it's impossible- maybe I'll come back with some guesses, but when you include your and your dolls' middle names... that puts a wrench in the works. :D)


    1. Thank you! I hope so! (Hehe, it's meant to be. :) Have fun guessing!)

  6. Well, there are only seven letters that your dolls' names don't have. So that's a start... :P (I'm thinking about this way too much- but hey, it's a challenge!)


    1. Haha, yeah. Wow, you're serious! :) I like challenges too - Sudoku, algebra... Here, I'll give you one hint - either my first or my middle name is only 4 letters long. :)

  7. I'll really miss you.
    You (or "me" LOL) are really pretty.
    And yes, I actually cried while reading this. (Well, actually I cried when I reached the end because it was, well, the end for TWO WHOLE MONTHS. *starts crying again*)

    1. I'll miss you all too!
      Thanks. :) I think 'me' is pretty too. XD XD
      Aw, thank you! :) I'm super touched! Yeah... *sniffs*

  8. *begins to sob*
    WUT. O_O I already knew this, so I shouldn't be surprised, but...WUT. How am I going to survive two months without my weekly dose of Dolls N' All??? I demand you to answer me. XD But I like how you made this post long and interesting, unlike a typical hiatus post. I was literally laughing SO hard the entire way even though I knew I should be crying instead...oh, and I know your name mwahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. It's easy, it's - *claps hand over mouth*
    I cannot wait to meet you at Nationals!!!!!!!! *squeals* We both NEED to study really, really hard so we make semifinals together. That would just be so awesome. But...hey, what are you even saying???? No. I'm not going to be on livestream. No. Stop. I demand you to cut that out. Or...maybe I could hack your account and edit this post and type "I am totally going to be in semi-finals and Rebekah is not" HAHAHA. Would you like that? *starts guessing your password*
    Ohhhhh I love those photofunia filters!!!!! Especially the creepy one of Julie. XD Oh, wow. "Me" is such a pretty doll. XD XD Awwwww am I really your BBF? Yayyyy!!! <3 <3 <3
    Okay there were a lot of other things I wanted to say but do I remember them? (Spoiler alert: no). I'll save them for another time when we want to comment convo ;)

    1. I know. I shouldn't have told you. *repays cruelty for cruelty* XD XD XD I will never let you live it down. Awww.... well, you can have your dose of me. *Rebekah dies*
      I was trying to make ME not cry. (and I don't mean the doll) :) :) XD SHHHHHH *smacks you* I KNOW! I MEAN LIKE I ALREADY MET YOU BUT IT WAS LIKE THE QUIZLET MEETING AND WE WERE BOTH SO SUPER SHY AND LIKE WHAT. That was so crazy. I KNOW. Tell me your secrets. XD XD XD Hahahahahaaaa... sorry, no blogging. Remember? Not even editing. XD XD XD Actually, I need to change my password. It's really easy. And no it's not 'reallyeasy'. XD Actually, it's not very easy. (and no, it's not 'notveryeasy')
      XD XD so it is creepy? I agree, she is. XD XD YES YOU ARE!
      Same here. :) Yesss!

  9. Hi Ligtht4theLord! I'll be missing you! I hope your hiatus is great success! "Me" (lol) looks awesome. Can't wait to see you back! Bye for now!


    1. Hey! Aw, thanks! I like her too. :) Bye for now, but not forever!

  10. Ahhhhhh! I was like "NO! DNA is done forever!!!!" because it looked so much like a 'goodbye forever and ever' post. I'm so glad your not stopping but you will be sorely missed. I really enjoy reading your posts, and whenever I see a notice in my e-mail that says "Dolls 'n All has a new post!" I get so excited and come read it! I can't wait for you to come back and post!

    Aww. You are so pretty! Hey, I have nerd glasses too! Except for mine are turquoise. I also had braces a few years ago. How long are you going to have yours on for?

    *GASP!* You tricked us! I know your name! You put it right in the post! Your name is 'Me', isn't it?! admit it!!! What, no? Oh, OK. ;)
    I'll be cheering for you all the way in the Bible Bee!
    ~ The Human

    1. Noooo! DNA is NOT done forever! :)
      Aw, thank you! :) That means SO much!

      Thanks! ;) Coooool! I LOVE turquoise! Uh, I really don't know. :D Maybe another couple of months?

      XD XD XD I laughed at that.
      Thank you!
      ~ Light4theLord

  11. I'll definitely miss your posts, L4TL, but I understand your need to stop for a while. I hope you do really well in the National Bible Bee! I think it's really cool that you're doing it. Anyway, enjoy your time off, and I'll look forward to your posts come November! :)

    1. Thank you, Sassafras! :) I'm studying a lot! :) I've actually got several posts planned for November, believe it or not. :) I can't stay away for too long!

  12. @Light4theLord: Challenges are great. I like to do Sudokus sometimes, but I really like crosswords best. ;)
    I shall have to think on that clue... it should help me somewhat. XD


  13. I'll miss your lovely posts! Good luck at bible bee and have fun! Don't worry, I completely understand about not having enough time to post...

    P.S. If you're anywhere close to any of the Hurricanes, stay safe!💜

    1. Aw, thank you, Diamond! I certainly will have fun - it always is! Yes, and studying is taking up a LOT of time right now.
      ~ Light4theLord
      P.S. Thanks! Prayers appreciated - I'll try!

  14. I"ll miss you ! I love your blog ! I love doll blogs ! Your the one who gave me inspiration to start my own doll blog ! But making videos is my passion ! So I made a Youtube channel called Lily Noelle ! My name is actually Lillian but Lily is my nickname . Also my middle name is Noelle . I made a new video Saturday be sure to check it out !!!!!!!!!!!

  15. It's almost November!!!!!!!
    ~ The Human


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