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life ~ a photostory

  ~ a life update in the form of a photostory ~ this is truly Julia's aesthetic, entirely by accident, most of her closet is blue and white stripes. she's always either wearing her airplane propeller necklace or her dream necklace, wearing double dutch braids.  Once upon a time, there was a girl named Julia. She was a dreamer, one with a good imagination and wide horizons. Some of her happiest days as a teenager were spent taking photos of dolls, lying in the street to get the perfect angle. Her dolls were like built in friends, companions wherever she went, on trips and vacations and outings.  As she grew up, Julia grew busier and busier, and high school was a lot of work. But she had goals and she did everything she could to reach them. One of them was graduating two years early, which took up a lot of time and energy. After hours upon hours of studying, she finally graduated.  Taking a gap year beginning in 2020, the weirdest year of the century, she had no lack o...

The Flower Crown Queens

This is for AGDollAwesome's Photoshoot Competition
Theme: Flower Crowns
Julie and Elizabeth - the Flower Crown Queens

The two beautiful models who are excited about the collab coming up!

Two flower crowns...

I absolutely love Julie's hair!

It's a friendship braid!

That one gorgeous rose!


I am SO proud of these light streaks! I've pretty much mastered the technique of getting light streaks when I want them! :)

Flower crown, again...

I am always so in love with Julie's hair!

Ballet slippers...

Up close of Julie

I love Elly's dress- with the pretty pink roses and the cardigan with the flower! A huge thanks to Belle, my cousin, for making it for me several years ago!

This is probably one of my favorites in the 55 picture photoshoot!

Another fav... 

I def. like this one!!

And this one..

Julie is absolutely gorgeous! :)

This is another one of my favorites!

Flower crowns, flower petals....
I really hope Team Gabby wins! #goteamgabby
What did you think? And how is the blog design coming along? If you have any suggestions, let me know in the comments below! I'm still working on perfecting what I can, so I'm open to any ideas!
~ Light4theLord


  1. These are so pretty! I think your blog design looks great!

  2. I was (for lack of a better word-) gawking over every picture, L4TL! They're SOOOOOO pretty!!!!! The dolls are gorgeous and I just love the flower crowns!!


    1. :D Thank you! I can't take credit for them, but... :) I'm super happy you like them!

  3. I loved all of these photos! The flower crowns were gorgeous! Talking about light streaks, I was taking a selfie of my friend and myself the other day, and I somehow got random light streaks right in my face! XD

    1. Thanks! I made the flower crowns - it's so fun! Really?! How cool!

  4. Ooh! I believe this is the best photo shoot you've ever done! Julie and Elly are just so pretty!
    (Also, you may not know me, but I've been a long reader and WP follower of your blog ;) It's one of my favorites out there! )

    1. Really? Thank you! I agree - they're gorgeous! Oh wow, thank you so much! That means a lot to me! :)

  5. EEK! They look so pretty, I love the flower crowns you made them, adorable!

    1. Thank you! I hope I got plenty of points for my team!


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