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life ~ a photostory

  ~ a life update in the form of a photostory ~ this is truly Julia's aesthetic, entirely by accident, most of her closet is blue and white stripes. she's always either wearing her airplane propeller necklace or her dream necklace, wearing double dutch braids.  Once upon a time, there was a girl named Julia. She was a dreamer, one with a good imagination and wide horizons. Some of her happiest days as a teenager were spent taking photos of dolls, lying in the street to get the perfect angle. Her dolls were like built in friends, companions wherever she went, on trips and vacations and outings.  As she grew up, Julia grew busier and busier, and high school was a lot of work. But she had goals and she did everything she could to reach them. One of them was graduating two years early, which took up a lot of time and energy. After hours upon hours of studying, she finally graduated.  Taking a gap year beginning in 2020, the weirdest year of the century, she had no lack o...

A Giveaway by Madi!

I meant to get this up yesterday. Really, I did- but nighttime came WAAAY too fast. I thought I'd have time to do it really quickly, but I didn't so... here it is today!
Madison, from Delightful World of Dolls, is hosting the VERY best giveaway EVER.
any doll of your choice...
and her accessories...
free shipping...
if you win!
I'm not exactly sure how to add videos to a blog (I'm not sure I want to really take 400 pictures for a 45 second AGSM, I'd rather stick to photos!), so here's a link to the video (does this count?!?!)
I'm still trying to figure out how to add a button, but when I do, this will be finished! I added the picture above, but...
Don't forget to mention this post when you comment to enter (if you don't comment to enter on her blog, that's crazy!)! What I thought of when I read it was the phrase that American Girl always uses:
MANY WILL ENTER, FEW WILL WIN. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER. (okay, only one will win in this case- one blessed girl! Though, I don't know what you'd purchase to enter... :) )
~ Light4theLord


  1. Thank you SO much for posting about this! No problem about the button, and the video links counts, too! :D :D Thanks again, L4TL!

    1. you're definitely welcome! I was hoping you'd understand- thanks!
      ~ L4TL

  2. Hahaha!! I can't get over that phrase from ag. Its to funny, but will win, good luck!! Marjorie


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