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life ~ a photostory

  ~ a life update in the form of a photostory ~ this is truly Julia's aesthetic, entirely by accident, most of her closet is blue and white stripes. she's always either wearing her airplane propeller necklace or her dream necklace, wearing double dutch braids.  Once upon a time, there was a girl named Julia. She was a dreamer, one with a good imagination and wide horizons. Some of her happiest days as a teenager were spent taking photos of dolls, lying in the street to get the perfect angle. Her dolls were like built in friends, companions wherever she went, on trips and vacations and outings.  As she grew up, Julia grew busier and busier, and high school was a lot of work. But she had goals and she did everything she could to reach them. One of them was graduating two years early, which took up a lot of time and energy. After hours upon hours of studying, she finally graduated.  Taking a gap year beginning in 2020, the weirdest year of the century, she had no lack of other thi

Picture of the Day, September 10

September 10, Day 10

April 15, 2016

Mary, Laura, and Carrie Ingalls in their covered wagon pulled by the two horses with Ma in front.
Portrayed by (left to right) Elly, Mandy, Samantha, and the hat is on top of Julie. :)

Nellie Oleson (I worked so hard to get that bow just perfect (and the poofy skirt, wide sash, curls (those were a pain!) and hair ribbons)) by her desk. Played by yours truly, Amelia Sorrenson.

Miss Beadle (Josie with her platform sandals on so she's taller than her students) with her desk and chalkboard in the background.
This was so much fun! A big thank you to my little brother, who donated his bedroom (cause SOMEONE was hogging mine... ahem.) with the green walls, his time to help me, his stuff ( like the notebooks and desk), and especially for building the wagon for me!!! I love it! Amy was so perfect for Nellie, with her little upturned nose and her long thick curls which took forever to actually stay in place (I have some pretty funny behind the scenes with her hair up in little 'rosettes' which are actually twisted spirals!) and her dress has a fluffy petticoat underneath! I really like the picture of Josie at the chalkboard!



  1. Amelia is PERFECT for Nellie! You did a spectacular job. I love the Little Dolls on the Prairie set up, it was amazing!

    1. Thank you so much for you kind comments! I'm thankful that my family put up with all my doll stuff! :) I've always thought of Amelia as a sort of Nellie!
      ~ Light4theLord

    2. You're so welcome! :D LOL! :) And yeah! :D


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